【同义词辨析】 2018-05-08 严肃serious-earnest

serious: implies a concern for what really matters: prefers gothic romance to ~ fiction.

grave: implies both seriousness and dignity in expression or attitude: read the pronouncement in a ~ voice.

solemn: suggests an impressive gravity utterly free from levity: the ~ occasion of a coronation.    (levity轻松不经心,语气比frivolous弱)

sedate: implies a composed and decorous seriousness: in the midst of frenzy, the bride remained ~.

staid: suggests a settled, accustomed sedateness, and prim self-restraint: her dinner parties were ~ affairs.   (prim要求过高的)

sober: stresses a seriousness of purpose and absence of levity or frivolity: an objective and ~ look at the situation.

earnest: suggests a sincerity and often zealousness of purpose: an ~ attempt at dramatizing the Bible.

serious严肃: 指关心真正有影响的事物,grave威严: 指既严肃威严(dignity尊严威严)的言语态度,solemn庄严: 让人印象深刻的威严,sedate镇定: 指不慌乱的得体的严肃的(sedate和composed互释,都表示free from agitation不慌乱),staid古板严肃正经的: 表示一直严肃的(sedateness)过分克制(prim要求高,甚至有点过分)的,sober严肃: 强调目的严肃,毫无轻浮,earnest认真: 常表示真挚热切(zealous热情、坚持不懈)

记忆方法: 1)首字母GE SSSSS想成5星通用电器(general electonics)<==十分严肃

        2)严肃的意思是不轻浮mean not light or frivolous.